Prepaid Credit Cards
A prepaid credit card account is opened by depositing money into that account, much in the same way you would make a deposit to open a checking or savings account. Once you have money in your account, you're issued a prepaid credit card that can be used anywhere one would use a regular credit card. The best part of the prepaid credit card is that you can charge to your heart's content and you won't be in debt. The money is yours and once it's gone, you can't spend any more until you make another deposit. There are no bills and no interest charges. It's the same principle as using a debit card linked to a savings or checking account.If you're frustrated because a credit card is necessary to get by in today's world, but can't apply for one because of bad credit, you might consider a prepaid credit card. You'll have most of the advantages of a credit card, and you won't have to worry about interest charges. Sounds like a prepaid credit card is a pretty good deal.
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